Monday, February 19, 2007


was at Matthew 3 this morning. the verse 8 says "produce fruit in keeping with repentance". when i was a younger believer, i do not understand this verse fully. i began to understand what does repentance means. the holy spirit convicts, i realise it and i made that prayer of saying sorry to God for my inappropriate words or actions. repentance. such prayers could be made easily, thus, how do we measure repentance? by what ways is it shown? it is through the amended actions that follow after the prayer of repentance. there will be positive results shown after repentance was made. it is not just found in what was seen on the surface expression, in that one confession to God alone. true repentance happens in a step by step progress, it is a daily affair. once we told God that we would change or kick off the habits that does not honor Him, it requires much of our human efforts to discipline our mind and body to work hand in hand with God. God knows that we aren't any super human beings, He knows our weaknesses more than we do. He also, will keep watch over us and holy spirit to remind us in our walk. producing fruits is a daily job.
listening: Hazard by Richard Marx

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