Friday, July 11, 2008

a teacher in us

i was reading an article and would like to highlight this short abstract of it:

I remember my teacher that year, Mary D. Barbour, with fondness. She was tough, serious, demanding. But she was also quick to affirm progress and reward initiative. She must have intuited my uniqueness because she chose to teach into it rather than against it. I responded by giving her my best.

Every once in a while in the course of my education—both my Christian and my public education—along came a teacher (like Mary Barbour) who sensed my complex ways. Somehow she or he knew how to redirect me and cause me to give my best. They were the true teachers, the real disciplers, and I remember every one of them by name. Their fingerprints are all over me to this day.

there were many of us who may not be a teacher by profession. yet, we have the potential to be a teacher to someone in our lives. it may be your current juniors in your schools, it maybe your younger siblings or cousins in the family, it could even be your kids in future.
there will definately be a chance that you will teach them from your life experiences.
people can learn from your happy experiences - it will lift their spirit and heighten up their faith as well.
your painful experiences can be a good coach - it will keep a man humble in his ways.

at this, i want to thank many teachers since growing up.
growing up isn't easy for me. yet these people play an important role to nurture me.

i would not have come to know the Greatest Love if Aunt Jane is not here with me.
i would not have enjoyed my sunday school so much if teacher Lucy gives up calling me.
i would not have learn the Word if Nicole did not meet me every thursday 730am Bugis Macs in my first 2 years in Youth.
i would not have a chance to be a careleader if Elaine did not train me.
i would not be in programming team if Jasmine did not apprentice me.
my faith and vision would not have grow if Shirley did not inspire me and trust me with tasks, sometimes i think its really beyond me.

Thank you, beautiful teachers :)

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