Wednesday, July 11, 2007

today's team captain class was enjoying. it brought me back to the foundamental attitudes of being a servant of God, especially having the spirit of excellence and integrity. sometimes, we would do all we can to score well for the 30% individual essay in school or to do our best to clinch a big deal with our regular clients, in such cases, we do all we can. the church is bought at the highest price- Jesus. how much more must be go the extra mile and having spirit of excellence in serving His house! we win people's respect by our life of integrity. an honest thought came to my mind: "Why do people follow me?" what do they see in me that make them want to follow me? tonight's gonna be a sleepless night. its dangerous to think about vision of God and His church in the night, it gives you sleepless nights. hee.
gonna be sleepless night, because i'll be preparing for an in- class interview exercise tomorrow. pray for me.
caught fast food nation recently and sparked off a more conscious thought on the food i eat, especially with the processed food. i want to take better care of my health now.
i learnt a new swimming technique recently. its fun and i'm getting darker. tanlines' getting more obvious, to me.
something sweet to end this blog:

best friends lovin' says (12:51 AM):
hello shpd
best friends lovin' says (12:51 AM):
i m going to bed alrdy
jasminwangshuzhen says (12:51 AM):
best friends lovin' says (12:51 AM):
jus dropped by to say hi
jasminwangshuzhen says (12:51 AM):
:) :)

all ears: In Your Freedom by Hillsongs

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