Monday, December 04, 2006


simplicity. someone once told me that simplicity is something that the person will be attracted to. as man matures, coupled with experiences and fusing with others' experiences as well, thoughts, feelings and emotions well up in the being of him. often, man wonders, "why will i feel this way? why do i react that way?" in theory and books, such are termed as being more aware or having self awareness or the chim-est term called intrapersonal skills. the man wishes that things were simpler in his mind, and not be overwhelmed or choked by the rushing of emotions when faced with uncertainties in situations. which, in many times, left the man in tears, clueless on what to do next, or where to channel those emotions.
yet, the man desires to go out all the way. to love, to trust, to obey, to listen, to believe.
knowing that the One above holds his hand and He never fail.
"... for you are my God my Savior, for my hope is in you all day Lord." Psalms 25: 5b
listening: Last Christmas by Wham!

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