Wednesday, April 30, 2008

facebook is fun

something i've gotten from wendy's note in facebook:

something fun to read for those in relationships...

Ways to Regroup and Recover from an Emotional Disaster

1) Test the waters. Don't say a thing. Just give her a hug, or squeeze his knee or pat his hand. Sometimes the best things in life are unsaid.
2) Look for a positive sign 'Sure is nice weather today, huh?' Decide to have a positive attitude, and positive words will flow from it.
3) Try to encourage. Look for something that's good. Spontaneously list your spouse's best traits.
4) Look for the humor. A cheerful heart is good medicine (Prov 16:24)
5) Keep it in perspective. Just adapt and overcome. Before you raise the rood over your head over some issue, ask yourself ' Will this matter 10 years from now?'
6) Go to Plan B. Offer alternatives.
7) Walk it off. Vacating the premises sometimes gives God some space to quietly work on your spouse. God's healing and encouragement can be powerful.
8) Offer up a distraction.
9) Mia culpa. apologize.
10) Keep short accounts.Couples who choose to let the past reside in the past get a fresh start with each other regularly. COuples who let resentment build up find that even the smallest infractions can create major conflicts. "May we never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten"
11) Pray!

all ears: cool night by paul davis

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