Monday, December 29, 2008


after the christmas buzz, Eugene joined us to go to our bridal place, Santiago for our second gown & suit fitting. we enjoyed a nice dinner @ Ding Tai Feng after that. blessed to have him as our close friend around. its really happy to know him settling good in his new job.
interesting fact 1: gowns really weigh a ton. *huff*
after the gown fitting, i also did a trial makeup.
interesting fact 2: i am so fascinated how mascara can "enlarge" the eyes!
today marks another milestone in our wedding planning. we had our wedding photoshoot. we went to haji lane and sentosa for our outdoor shoot.
interesting fact 3: smiling throughout the entire day can make the mouth numb
interesting fact 4: fake eyelashes further "enlarge" the eyes! *like*
interesting fact 5: after his hairdo, Roy looks like Ryu from dragonball.
interesting fact 6: my wedding designer, Amanda told me that my AD gown weighs the heaviest in the store! (my sweet jie meis, pls help lift, kick and pull my gown on the day yea ><)
interesting fact 7: during phototaking at haji lane, a caucasian couple took a picture of us too~
interesting fact 8: the scene that we both felt most comfortable is the nose-to-nose! haha!
blessing 9: God gave us a good weather! it rained the night before, thus, morning was nice and breezy. by the time we were outdoor for photography, it was windy and cloudy. after we finished our sentosa shoot, the minute we got into the car, it starts to drizzle.
blessing 10: after a long day (i'm on high heels), God gave us 2 seats on our next train stop at raffles place.

throughout the whole day, also got to know our studio photographer, Ah Teck more. he is the same age as Roy, and his baby girl is 2 months old. he has 2 dogs back home in JB- a golden retriever and a shin tzu.

i have just came out from shower, shampooed and conditioned my hair. washed my face twice, slapped some toner and moisturer. gonna put a mask later. i felt like a wayang singer today. hehe

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