Monday, June 23, 2008

A quarter of a century

Surprise @ Essential Brew

Roy planned and asked a few of my close friends together for a time of makan and hang-out last saturday night. He is my best friend.
simply love this photo of shirls!

Gene is one of our close buddy around.
livi, your friendship is a gift to me. its always amazing how i first met you. i was shy to know you because you are my shepherd's sister. hehe. i really like to talk to you.
deb, our life experiences are pretty similar, dont ya think so? e.g. we went through almost the same education route. hehe. thanks for your constant encouragement.
mei mei loves to hover around in my room, making funny noises. i love her dearly.
shirls' been my mentor for close to 8 years. though she is small in size, she has such a huge appetite for God's Word and God's vision.
eevoon, i'm tremendously encouraged by how you have matured in God and also the many blessings and testimonies in your family. i really believe its your simple obedience that moves God's hands.
gerald- always my pc doctor. i know you are one of the few who will readily offer help in time of needs.
esmond- your spirit of giving bless and inspire so much. i pray for your business to thrive for God and your hope carnival to be a great success.

My 40 "Roystons"
this brillant and hilarious idea came from my grandsheep - Yiyou! i had a good laugh when i returned after buying my ice latte.

after a good fun, we began our picnic at McCafe. we were supposed to head for botanic garden if not for the rain. nonetheless, we will make it there in our next MinOps CG.

the shepherds and the sheep.

I belong to Shirls Mighty Men!

i head over to join up with the rest of Shirls' Mighty Men at Dewen's house in the late afternoon. we discussed for awhile before some of us hit the kitchen to dish out carbonara and lotsa chicken- seeweed chicken, a whole chicken and chicken drumlets.

it was so much fun and laughter as Gideon shared about his Japan trip and as usual we just have so much to talk whenever we meet up each week. after finishing the fruit salad made by Dewen, i was about to clear some cups away, i noticed that Dennis was coming out with a cake. woops. i spoiled their birthday cake surprise, so they did a re-play again. how funny!

i enjoyed myself totally as i shared about my wishes and the recent convictions and vision God put in me. this is a precious team to me because they help to bring out the potential in me. they are my comrades. my nakama.


Tiger said...

fwah... so fun :) haha..
and the 40 roystons is super creative lor (more than what my fellow sister/CL had for her wedding, I think only 5 or 6 pics of her groom).
were u made to find the real Royston amongst them?

comeandfly said...

heys junming! :) a big hello to you! yea, funny right?? i was laughing and almost rolling on the floor when they did that!

Tiger said...

very funny indeed. I'm trying to imagine you rolling on the floor laughing haha... rofl
anyway, it was a deserving birthday laugh I guess :)