Friday, December 05, 2008


i miss mookie. little miss mookie texted me a few days ago...
"...suddenly missed u greatly... ystday saw facebook updates... i wanna meet u up b4 ur big day. let me noe ok..."
she is none other than joey aka zihui. my ex-sheep who is with me during my central and west days. thinking back on our pioneering days, she is a faithful and consistent support in the team. currently, she is in the Hopekids ministry, influencing and impacting many many young lives for our future.

Yesterday had an enjoyable spt with my team. we met for some japanese food at cathay basement and it was really lively and active interaction that i had to repeatedly mentioned some same things over and over again. haha. at one point, yao turned to me and repeated what he has understood. funny mans. i feel like a naggy granny. *faints* After the meeting, we did our unknowingly usual practice- we stood around in circle and went on talking and talking. it was then someone would "heys, lets move people...", then we would inched forward bit by bit. it was not long before we paused in our steps and stood in circle to continue our conversations. well, it goes to show that we just had so much to talk and share when we see each other, i enjoy the fellowship times.

a long weekend, yay.


mookie said...


If i nv check ur blog out of a sudden urge, i'll nv see this *faints* malu entry!!!!

Shall i blog ur msn conversation with eva? (with me beside her)

comeandfly said...

hahahah! :D nono, dun blog ar. anyway, see you this friday k? so looking forward!