Sunday, September 03, 2006

a saturday

was reminded again in today's sermon: i'm blessed to be a blessing. when God chose to pour certain blessings in my life, it is not just an end to it. it is for me to channel these blessings to those who need them too.
during the services, i got to pray for a few people. as i was praying for them, i very much wanted them to be blessed by God, i wish for their lives to be successful, in every aspect. compassion and love just filled my heart as i prayed. i do not know them personally, but it just filled me with so much of warmth and encouragement simply the fact that i could pray for them, those prayers that are going to turn into miracles and testimonies of changed lives. what a privilege! there was one filipino sister that i prayed for. she was in the second service because she has work on sunday, thus couldnt make it to the filipino service. i went over to her and we prayed together. the prayer time was really refreshing. it brought so much comfort to me, knowing that we are all together in this one big family and we cover one another in prayers.
oh well, my long day ended with two lovely scoops of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. cherry garcia and berried treasure with jiayi. yummmzzz.
listening: Les Jours Tranquilles by Andre Gagnon

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