Tuesday, November 28, 2006

for one more day

saturday. sweetie yiyou passed me a book and two japanese animation dvds. she passed those to me as she knew that i am having my holidays now. how sweet is that gesture to me. went through lots of youtube music videos into the night. i want to be a rocker.
sunday. attended one of my cousins' 21st birthday at conrad. they are my maternal side of relatives. seldom get to spend time with them, only see them during lunar new year or birthday and wedding events. each time i see them, it brings much warmth and care to me, knowing that they are very much concerned for my dad and us.
monday. had a heart to heart chat with eevoon at subway (i ought to get myself a subway membership). encouraged so much to know her same love and compassion for people. she's someone i respect, her life speaks loudly. did my homework for hope sem too. the course helps me to yearn to chew on the Word more and more. there is so much i want to know and learn.
tuesday. "Children forget that sometimes. They think of themselves as a burden instead of a wish granted."
that line came to me while reading a book entitled in my post title. how often we need God's reminders to convey to us that He loves us alot, alot. if we take a little bit more effort to observe and see, we will find tons and tons of expressions of God's love for us in our everyday. when my eyes came to its last word in that phrase, i was reminded of an incident that moved me so much. during closet part two. 30 minutes into the service. i was in the media room. something cropped up which required me to make a decision there and then, right on the spot. time is ticking away. everyone was waiting for me to speak. that was my longest second that i ever felt. but the next thing that was to come came in split seconds.
(shuz' mind): wa...so stressed! how ah? how how??
(shuz' mind): i feel so lousy now mann..... haiz...
(His voice): do you know i still love you?
(shuz' mind): huh? *giving the look of can you repeat again*
(His voice): do you know my love for you have not change, even when you feel like the lousiest leader now?
i was sure i heard that. something moved in my heart. a lump in my throat. tears welled up. i told media IC what to do next and i made my exit immediately. all these happened within split seconds. man, i was touched by God. its like what pastor jeff usually says, "God is as real as you place your thumb in front of you now." He is that real. and i experienced it.
listening: Life by Yui

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