Wednesday, November 01, 2006

food for thought (yea, i am hungry)

thanks for dennis for the interesting link below.
some interesting ones for you.
If one person yawns, why does everyone else in the room want to yawn?
Yawning is extremely contagious -- 55% of people who witness someone yawn will yawn within five minutes. If a visually impaired person hears a tape of someone yawning, he or she is likely to yawn as well. Face it, the likelihood of you making it to the end of this answer without looking like one of these gaping maws is unlikely...
Is there any truth to the "five second rule" about food that falls on the floor?
...counted the number of bacteria clinging to various downed eats. Results? Contrary to what you might expect, the number of bacteria on "wet" foods like cheese actually decreased the longer the food was on the floor, seemingly making five seconds too short a time for wet foods, rather than too long...
on a studious note again, found this statement on my textbook: Speed without a destination in mind is merely haste.
listening: Give your Love by Abe Laboriel and Friends

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