Thursday, December 27, 2007

somewhere over the christmas

had a good and fun time with shirls wacky dmm peeps on monday, celebrated dewen's birthday as well. we sang our hearts out together at ktv. yea, you guys should check out raph's canto voice! hehe! not forgetting dennis's hokkien close- to- tune too. regular singers like gi and dewen took on the likes of Jay and JJ during that session, while our sweet pastor shirls sung the famous umbrella tune (its hard to find something she will sing in ktv leh). hahah. daniel cheah improvised almost all the tunes we sung. haha! what a hilarious team! :) i enjoyed myself alot. and yes, i want to have my third citadel game with them soon.

just came back from my minops pyjamas party! hahahah! almost everyone wore their sweet cutie, ah- pek pyjamas!!!! :) way cool. more pictures coming soon. oh yah, best dressed guy and gal went to matthias and jiali.

i have a habit every christmas- to keep every of my christmas cards and read all of them on boxing day. i am so encouraged, so strengthened, inspired to go another mile for God, my caregroup and my friends.
roy, thanks for the surprise gift box! taking the extra efforts to do the sweet little thing for me.
livi, luvvv the snoopy pillow!!! thanks for being a friend in my life.
key+den+gi, your cards are encouraging. thanks for always encouraging me in my ministry. your understanding and support are priceless. more citadels okayz.
jia, thanks for doing up such a nice card for me. yes, you are very precious to me.
wyn, our friendship have been through much, i never regret knowing you. in fact, i thank God i had the chance to be close to you. its as what eelee had shared with me about you. you are gentle.
esmond, thanks for the glass necklace!
jasmine+vic, woww, its a surprise to receive your cards. thanks
mei, hahahah, i will buy you more presents. hehehehe. thanks for the make- up kit! you really know my needs. hee
gerald, gambatte on your move house soon. i wanna visit!
deb+dewen+zinc, how could i forget both of you.
aloy, thanks for the photo!!! x29 camp photo!!!
yiyou+qianjin+carmen, you are such a dear, thanks for telling me all those you wrote, it strengthened me further to inspire and impact.
lays, what to say, you did something which i really really cherish, you typed out our cg promises to one another, thanks for loving the caregroup.
jerel, i'm touched by what you said. it just make all that i did worthwhile. those long travelings to pioneer west together... thanks for your words of loyalty.
philo, i'm surprised by your gift! really, i know you dont earn much, yet you have such a loving and giving spirit. i remembered that christmas eve night, you did something sweet to a not- so- happy waitress, just to cheer her up :)
veron, love the design of the card! simplicity wins.
bernett, good to have you back with us!
matthias, i enjoy the friendship!
gwen (meiying), woops! think you are so gonna give me cold stares now. hehehe. gal, your words in the card gave me much strength in moving forward together.
steven, yayy!! i had my first sketch of portrait!!! :)
jiali, okayz, you wins. you got my tears out. you taught me about loving beyond duty too. i saw from how you love your dance team. i agreed with priscilla too, you have real armor bearer- hood.

thanks minops, two full years of being with me, sticking with me, being patient with my growth and my weaknesses... thanks for the big big card! :)

all ears: In the Morning by Gwen Stefani

Saturday, December 08, 2007

a day before the youth camp

"a smile is the best way to deal with difficult situations."

do you agree? :)

all ears: a quiet saturday afternoon

Thursday, December 06, 2007

officially graduated

yes! i am officially a graduate from RMIT University. i received my final semester exam results and i got a distinction and 3 credits.
truly want to give a big big thank to God, for seeing me through my three years in Uni. i could vividly remembered my first year, i was really struggling with core modules like statistics and accounting that i was even on the verge of withdrawing from the course. yet, God's promises kept me going on. in the last exam which happened a month ago, God intervened and helped me too. i was down with sickness barely a week before my exam and my revision was put to a halt. after regaining energy and health, i was pretty behind time in my revision schedule. yet, at the back of my mind, i know that God has something in store for me. i was relaxed, not feeling all stressed up, i picked up my revision and i studied with the peace that God placed in my heart. it was a miraculous feeling that i has within- that feeling of total peace and trust in God while i study for my first paper. (mind you, one of my poorer subject, prices and market) it was amazing! that peace of mind that God put inside my heart!
wanna thank a few people in my life too. daddy supported me in the school fees. he also encouraged me during my exam periods. pastor jeff for helping me with the school financial matters. shirls, roy, eugene, mei, esmond,ruiz, dewen, livi and many many others who prayed and spurred me on in my studies.
"shuz, welcome to the working world!"
all ears: silence in the night

Monday, December 03, 2007

i need fruit of the spirit

last friday's corporate prayer meeting was a home-run. it was an enjoyable time for me, just feasting on worshiping and praying. i felt that God has prepared a feast of worship for me. during the worship time, i was reminded of the verse i prayed on my birthday, Psalms 63:1. indeed, i need God so much. i was very encouraged by claudia's prophesy for me too. its about lengthening my personal time with God so that i can hear more from God about the things He want me to do for Him. i am really excited about it.

today's wfl was a great start. its ironically because i'm tested in my fruit of the spirit as i am teaching the fruit of the spirit class. God always have a way to deal with me. hehe.

**wink wink to my wfl students, blog blog! :)

all ears: silence in my room (okay, mei just opened my door with a Hello)

Monday, November 26, 2007


it always got my adrenaline rushed and had me all excited whenever i think and talk about leadership. i had a relaxed evening with zinc at sakae hours ago. we were buily updating each other on our lives and happenings around, time just flew past fast. something that i read just spoke the core of our hearts for that evening. it could be best summarized as from the article:
"... We cannot compel people; we must call them. One great writer about leadership says, "Most people are just waiting for someone to call them out so they can rise above their petty preoccupations."
methods vary, yet the spirit is the same. people need leaders to lead them. as for the how-to(s), there are a few ways; nudging, influencing, encouraging or simply just ask the people directly. thank God for the holy spirit who is with us, to give us wisdom to speak the word at the appropriate timing. thank God for helping us in the fruit of the spirit to exercise love and gentleness to bring forth the big ASK to the people.
oh anyways, i was reading up on fruit of the spirit lesson on my way home. man, i am excited to conduct the wfl class happening in a week time. whoever is gonna be in this class, lets ride together to learn and grow more! :)
all ears: jay chou's on the run album

Saturday, November 24, 2007

happy birthday, Jiali!

went for a dinner with weini. it was enjoying and relaxing. it was such events/catchup or whatever you called it, which has no agenda that make it so much relaxing and yea, relaxed! ^^ i like it.
oh ya! i cant miss out saying this: my good pal, Simun has been proposed to on her recent birthday! i am gonna be part of the "jie mei" team during her wedding! i am super happy for her man!
i cant stop thinking about my hk trip with aunt jane and a few others coming this dec. gonna spend the countdown of the year over there too. definately a super lookforward from now. gonna be a new phase of life after the hk trip, as i am going onto the working world. till then, i am going play and enjoy my self- declared break.

all ears: Cosy in the rocket by Psapp

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

keep laughing

Learn to laugh by Rick Warren

"If you want to have less stress in your life, learn to laugh at your circumstances. Somehow, you must find the fun in the frustrating.”

Did you know that people who laugh live longer? It’s true. Proverbs 14:30 says, “A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life.” (TLB)
Humor is an amazing thing. It’s a tension dissolver. It’s an antidote to anxiety. It’s just like a tranquilizer, but without any troublesome side effects. And it’s free! You don’t even need a prescription.
Laughter is life’s shock absorber. If you want to have less stress in your life, learn to laugh at your circumstances. Somehow, you must find the fun in the frustrating.
Someone once asked President Lincoln how he handled all the stresses of the Civil War. He said, “If it hadn’t been for laughter, I could not have made it.” Many famous comedians grew up in poor neighborhoods with lots of problems. They coped with their troubles by learning to laugh and making others laugh.
So learn to laugh. If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. And besides, if you learn to laugh at your troubles, you’ll never run out of anything to laugh at! Life is full of funny situations. Will Rogers once said, “I don’t know any jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” Proverbs 17:22 says, “Being cheerful keeps you healthy.” (GNB) We all need to develop a sense of humor.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Psalm 2:4, “The One enthroned in heaven laughs.” Isn’t that a great verse? God has a sense of humor. God laughs! Have you ever seen the face of an orangutan? God thought that one up! That proves he has a sense of humor. Do you want to be more like God? Learn to laugh. A sense of humor can preserve your sanity.
Sometimes, one irritation follows another, and before you know it, our day is ruined. I read this account in the The Encyclopedia Britannica’s 1982 Yearbook, under the heading “Strange and Unusual Events.” It tells about a man named Brian Heise who had what you might call a “very irritating day”

Brian Heise had more than his share of luck in July of that year, and most of it was bad. When his apartment in Provo, Utah, became flooded from a broken pipe in the upstairs apartment, the manager told him to go out and rent a water vacuum. That’s when he discovered his car had a flat tire. He changed it, then went inside again to phone a friend for help. The electric shock he got from the phone so startled him that he
"If you can laugh at it, you can live with it. And besides, if you learn to laugh at your troubles, you’ll never run out of anything to laugh at!”

inadvertently ripped the instrument off the wall. Before he could leave the apartment a second time, a neighbor had to kick down the apartment door because water damage had jammed it tight. While all of this was going on, someone stole Heise’s car, but it was almost out of gas. He found it a few blocks away but had to push it to the gas station, where he filled up the tank. That evening Heise attended a military ceremony at Brigham Young University. He injured himself severely when he somehow sat on his bayonet, which had been tossed onto the front seat of his car. Doctors were able to stitch up the wound, but no one was able to resuscitate four of Heise’s canaries that were crushed to death by falling plaster. After Heise slipped on the wet carpet and badly injured his tailbone, he said he began to wonder if “God wanted me dead, but just kept missing.”
And you think you’ve had bad days! Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.
Take my advice: acquire a sense of humor. Learn to laugh. It’s relaxing and healing and a buffer to all the stress the world throws your way.

Grey's Anatomy

yups, apart from the recent hit series Heroes, i've got another new craze- Grey's Anatomy. oh well, it is actually a long time season since 2005 which roy downloaded during our exams period and we are enjoying it now in our post uni life. season one began with a group of interns at seattle grace hospital doing their intern program and day to day life of a surgical intern. my fave gotta be Dr. izzie stevens, who is the kind hearted doctor.
enough of grey's, the past two weeks have been fruitful. catching up with a few friends. sugar and spice with livi, makan with simun and some other meetups.
okayz been abit lazy to blog now. i'll come by soon.
all ears: Somewhere only we know

Monday, November 12, 2007

o tan joh be ometedo!

happy birthday puay puay! she has come to the twenty years old club! welcome! *winkz* we were at mind cafe last tuesday. its a ladies night!
the 1982 boys- daniel and roy.
yayy! plus the girls! we were at cartel last saturday. it was a good time of catch up and chilling.

all ears: Into your presence by Vineyard

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

goodbye school

2 Nov 2007 marked the day that i had my final examination paper. it was my last exam of my uni education. the feeling was.... SHIOK! to celebrate it, i headed down to the youth camp committee meeting with eevoon, sinking our teeth into BK burgers for our dinner. since school's over, it is shifted to gear 6 in camp programming planning for the next two months. in preparation for our youth 10th anniversary celebration in camp, i've been receiving phonecalls to ask about how long have i been in Hope. i am bad at maths.
**A Very Short Ad**
calling out to all ex- yhope, you are invited to the youth 10th anniversary celebration in our upcoming camp in dec. the celebration night will be on 11 dec 2007.
**End of A Very Short Ad**
last weekend had been fun. we managed to date pastor jeff and claudia for a date on sunday evening. gang included were shirls, raph, wen, gi, den, cheah and shar. o yeah, raph's kid sister was there too, mariam with us. lots of laughter from dennis and daniel (quite a din, thank God we had a room to ourselves, phew!), lots of "wow-ing" as our bento and udon came and sharings from pastor jeff and claudia on their tokyo trip. gave pastor jeff a card at the end. it was strange as we looked eyeball to eyeball. he is someone i respect alot (yes, alot). i have always listened to his preachings and teachings in dmm since young. when i was told by my ex- shepherd, nicole that i got into pastor jeff dmm, i was sooo happy. i raced out of my school to dmm once the bell rang off. yes, i really ran. to ang mo kio mrt and from tanjong pagar mrt to the ex- church office at stanley street. i ran because i really think that it is a privilege to be able to serve in a leadership meeting.
i just returned from celebrating puay's birthday at mind cafe. she had an interesting forfeit where she responded so wittyly!
take a piece of paper and write a haiku about your armpits. recite the haiku to your opponents.
puay's reply:
armpits, much hair there
shaving cream, razor or wax?
why so troublesome?
we all burst out laughing as she coupled the poem with a tune! hilarious! :)
all ears: yi qian nian yi hou by JJ

Monday, November 05, 2007

she's back!

yayy!!! my best friend is back from Melb for about two weeks. welcome home, min! :)

all ears: crunching my strawberry pocky

Saturday, November 03, 2007

november chopin guy

yay! all thanks to livi san. she helped me to purchase tickets to jay chou's concert! yes, i am going! with gang dewen, debster, ruth and jesline.

all ears: buzzing sounds from cpu

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Sugar & Spice

Sugar and Spice

Rating: PG
Language: Japanese (Chinese and English subtitles)
Genre: Coming-of-age, Drama, Romance
Cast: Yuya Yagira (Nobody Knows), Erika Sawajiri, Mari Natsuki, Chen Bo-lin
Director: Isamu Nakae
Running time: 124 mins

Release date: 8 November 2007

Based on an award-winning novel by Amy Yamada (Trash, Bedroom Eyes, Animal Logic) comes SUGAR & SPICE, a coming-of-age story of Shiro (Yuya Yagira).

At 17 and fresh from high school graduation, Shiro finds himself standing in that ambivalent “no man's land” between adolescence and adulthood. He shirks off college, much to the dismay of his conventional parents and takes a job at a gas station for no other reason than a vague ambition to do something with cars.

Shiro witnesses a public breakup between a man and a college girl, Noriko (Eriko Sawajiri). Days later, he is surprised to see the same girl arrive at the gas station as the newly-hired help, and even more alarmed at his loss of composure in front of her. He is love-struck, and his bittersweet initiation into adult life begins.

all ears: love & longing featured in my sassy girl OST

Beautiful Word

my sister has gotten her new The Message version bible as her birthday gift this year and i took it out for a read this breezing morning.

Psalms 19: 6
"That's how God's Word vaults across the skies from sunrise to sunset,
melting ice, scorching deserts,
warming hearts to faith."
it reminded me that the Word is the only instrument that can transform the heart. each response/ application step should come from a conviction of the Word.

Psalms 22: 22
"Here's the story i'll tell my friends when they come to worship,
and punctuate it with Hallelujahs:"
there were more than often times where i would be caught murmuring within my spirit or harboring negative thoughts whenever unhappy situations arise. yet, the verse spoke it full well, that i should learn to punctuate my life with Hallelujahs wherever i go, whatever i do. Hallelujahs should be spoken not just because of a certain answered prayer, rather based on who my Maker is. His pure character i should say Hallelujahs. Hallelujah meant Praise the Lord.

all ears: Singing "You are my love and my light. You are my purpose for living. You are my hope in the night, my reason for living..." ("my Love & my Light by Don Moen)

my new email address is

all ears: Smooth operator by Sade

Monday, October 29, 2007

19 January 2008

all ears: lan se feng bao by Jay Chou

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

egg prata... i want to eat you

hoho peeps! am back. yups, been a whole week of sickness and giddyness and puking. wanna thank my Heavenly father for healing me. its interesting, this time when i was ill, i kept telling myself i must pray even more, i cannot be just subjected to lying down on bed at most times, groaning and moaning. wanna thank es and mei for cooking oat meal for me, though i only managed to eat a few mouthful of it. thanks roys gerald flor for visiting me. thanks my sheeps and shepherd for smsing me and asking how i was doing.
okay now, i'll learn to relax more and de- stress and definately looking forward to 2 Nov. Lord, see me through :)

all ears: Sentimental by Kenny G

Friday, October 12, 2007

aww... its pricky

gerald sent this cutsie picture to me and i thought wow, its really cute to post it up. sidenote, i know of two ladies who love kitties- wyn and jia. hehe. *meows*

all ears: silence of the room

Sunday, October 07, 2007


first of all, i want to say that God is so good. HE IS REALLY SO GOOD TO ME!!! :)
He gave me a chance to serve my daddy. i taught my dad some pc skills earlier on. its been a few months that i responded during pastor christie's sermon in the youth service about serving and loving our family. due to some situations at home, i've been praying that i will be an encourager at home and to love my family more. i struggled initially, yet i thanked God that i didnt give up. i look forward to see my household and i serving the Lord together.
it has been three weeks of leadership sermons by pastor jeff, pastor jasmine and pastor shirls. yesterday's sermon reminded me that i have two "mordecai" in my life too. they are nicole and shirls. nicole is the one who took care of me when i was a younger believer. she received all my nonsenses and insecurities, yet love me all the way and of course taught me the Word that transformed my attitude and character. shirls is the one that trains me in skills and knowledge to take lead. i was so amazed at how much she believe in me. i guess at that time when i responded to be a leader was because i was amazed at her faith and belief in me. i love these women of God so much.
today's ulm lesson was powerful. such simple and familiar points, yet shirls taught with fresh insights. a few things caught my attention and kept me thinking for the whole of today. discipleship is all about creating moments and moments need closeness and proximity to begin with. things like sms, msn, emails are good tools to enhance the process, yet they cant be the main dish, they can only complement along. the main dish is one- on- one meet ups. food for thought okayz...
all ears: slience that filled my room

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Saturday, September 29, 2007

29 Sep 2007

caught a chat with pastor jasmine at backstage today. woww. i really enjoyed it. she has been one of the few whom i truly admire and look up to. i respect her courage in taking up new roles and ministries, her perserverance in building the youth ministry and discipled our current youth pastor. i love her energy and bursts of joy in venturing into new grounds with faith. she is very faith- filled. it was so loved to have her asked me about my life and my ministry. it was then that it led me to share about the burden that God put in me during my birthday this year. as i was sharing, excitement and anticipation were building up inside me.
anyway, i had a fruitful camp programming meeting after service too. would like to intro you my team- gwen lee, dan feng, debbie, yaoguo and gideon! :) they are such visionary bunch of people!

ending the night...
"... just to be by Your side, there is hope in my life..."
"... nothing compares to the promise i have in You..."

all ears: here in my life by Hillsongs

Friday, September 21, 2007

celebrating 16th part 3

finally the busier weekend was over. been so busy that i only managed to take these few pictures.

at the backstage with livi san, plus the phamtom. *gasps*
when everything ended, nearing 11pm. shirls was playing with her purple hair extension, i was zonked.
while walking out with shirls to go home, met nicole ang who grabbed me and snapped a picture together. (ps. nicole, thanks for all the encouragement you gave. i was so blessed.)

a recap of the weekend:

thursday 13 sep
hope bangkok team touched down at airport and the whole lot of us namely ps LO, pat, gwen, eugene, ah long, roys and i went to welcome them.

friday 14 sep
met ruiz to go to downtown east together and anniversary rehearsal till night time.

saturday 15 sep
started with a good breakfast at macs with eugene, justin and roys before we headed to marquee for rehearsal at 9am. throughout the two services, i was running almost everywhere at the backstage. i managed to catch glimpses of stage performers doing make-up at the foyer. i met wynnie doing makeup on one of the stage performers. wow! i was happy to see her involved too! during the second anniversary service, the praise and worship was electrifying! there was so much burst of spontaneous praise and worship led by our hope bangkok team! i prayed and hope to see more of this in the youth services too! :) woww!

sunday 16 sep
auto- switched gears from anniversary's stage managing to jump's hospitality. hehe. upon reaching nexus, emma's surprise hug warmed me up. i was touched by her care. attended ps Prayuth's teachings in the morning. one main thing struck my mind- the quality of a stage minister's life is so so so important. better to have one musical instrument whose musician's life is close to God than having the whole band whom players' lives are not fully for God. direct truth, yet it is real love in truth. it reminded me of my service unto God, it gotta not only be of excellent service, but also of excellent attitude and motives. my day ended with more phonecalls of coordinating the accomodation for the hope bangkok team.

monday 17 sep
slept in abit due to the headache on previous night. tried to study for my test before heading down to TCT for jump concert. went for avocado drinks with pat, gerald, wendy and the bangkok team. what a unique drink. it was my first time doing sales on tee shirts. it was fun doing with pat and veron. geoffery joined in later. went to meet eevoon and the rest of my caregroup to buy dinner for the jump committee.
JUMP JUMP JUMP! :) the concert began and woww... i was so ministered by the first worship song led by tony. a simple song reminded me that i want to serve God till the end.
"my heart will bow down to you
be exalted my Lord
you are the rock that i'm leaning on
my only hope is in you
i will sing for you to love and adore you
i put my trust in you
i want to know you more each day
serve you my Lord till the end"

my day ended with supper at 126 with eugene, esmond, roys and mei. so nice! :)

tuesday 17 sep
met hope bangkok team for breakfast and i got to know that john also enjoyed japanese animation like hunter x hunter and bleach! anime rocks! :) brought them to alby warehouse after that and we ended our shopping with lunch in PS, ajisen, pastamania and kfc (apparently john's favorite and tony likes it too!).
through these five days, i was thankful to know chin, maria, tony and jerry more. it was sweet of chin and maria to give me a candle gift and a purse gift. i'm so blessed that i'm part of hope international wam ministry.
roys and i took turns to snap group photo with their cameras :) farewell hope bangkok team and have a blast in POP 5 too! :)
working behind the scenes...
wanna thank...
cara! thanks for your sms: "hey dear, for dehydratn n heatiness, drink bai hua she cao shui :)"
puay+zihui! thanks for helping me so much in the kids' prayer presentation. zihui, thanks for your sms! :)
yiyou+gwen! thanks for being my TLC during the anniversary services! :) you cheered me up!
emma! i'm really touched by your hug, so motherly. thanks for smsing me too: "hey gal. thks 4 being so serving. so sweet n so excellent in ur service 2 God. it's a great joy serving w u. rest well, God bless!"
junxiong! you always come in just in time to help me out. so happy to be around you serving with you! :)
shirls! ooo...i really miss you. thanks for all the smses throughout to encourage me and spur me on.
veron! you helped me a great deal on the tue, driving the team around and racked your brain with me to think of places to makan and walk around.
jiayi! thanks for crazy-ing around with me, it helps me relieve stress. hehehe.
eugene+roys! thanks for helping to host the bangkok team. you were around when we welcome them and farewell to them! :) more 126 suppers? hahaha!
issac+howjoo&sijia+angie+gwen+nel! thanks for hosting the bangkok team for meals! :)
guanlong&kelly+mamajac&jimmy+albert&marsli! wowww!! thanks for opening your house to host!
chin+maria! your pats and hugs have encouraged me so much! :) i enjoy serving you.
pat! i learnt so much from serving together with you. you are so gentle in spirit.

all ears: The Rock by Hope bangkok band

Thursday, September 20, 2007

in the mood of september

2 songs came to my mind about september.
"September" by earth, wind and fire.
"Wake me when september ends" by greenday.
19 people came to my mind about september too.
19 september babies none other than...
Jency Dennis Sharlene Ray Xinyi Pastor Jeff Justin Jeremy Shuping Yaoguo Ziying Ting Seng Baowei Jerel Evelyn Yanyan Priscilla Yuqian
Happy Birthday! :)

all ears: september by earth, wind and fire

Thursday, September 13, 2007

celebrating 16th part 2

a meaningful song to reflect the goodness of God in Hope Singapore for the past 16 years...

"... its all Yours God,
Yours God,
Everything is Yours
from the stars in the sky to the depth of the ocean floor
its all Yours God,
Yours God,
Everything is Yours
You're the maker and keeper,
Father and Ruler of everything its all Yours..."

a personal reminder that everything i am is His, everything i have is His, everything i do is for Him. thank you, You :)

all ears: Yours by Steven Curtis Chapman

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

celebrating 16th part 1

as i recollects for the past 16 years, i wanna this first post for shirls. my shepherd and my youth pastor. this is to encourage and spur her on.
Heb 10: 25
"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
one evident fruit of your labor is knowing and watching your grandsheep grow.
she's been busy with upcoming anniv service image team, learning and growing under ziying's leadership. super excited about the symphonic band happening soon in youth too.
a constant support and listening ear to me. we gonna host the bkk team together this weekend, wanna learn so much more from them.
today's gonna be her teaching time at cg tonight! grown so much in the Word, leading the youth team hope at her best and joy.
been involving in hope tots ministry and also taking up more and more cg roles in priscilla's group. her recent floorball cg event left her body aches everywhere. hee.
been busy with her production work. truly appreciate all the efforts she made in rushing down to metamorphosis, caregroups after her work. very sweet spirited leader in minops.
always sent me smses, telling me that she will keep my studies in prayers. thanks ruth.

all ears: cry in my heart

Monday, September 10, 2007

transformed faith!

*Please send your revival * says (12:55 AM):
hi Jasmin, how are you?
*Please send your revival * says (12:55 AM):
jasminwangshuzhen says (12:55 AM):
jasminwangshuzhen says (12:55 AM):
i am very fine!
*Please send your revival * says (12:55 AM):
*Please send your revival * says (12:56 AM):
i have some exciting blessing to share you.

an msn conversation with Dion inspired so so so much! inspired and lifted my faith level! :) she shared with me some miraculous breakthroughs that God gave in her ministry back in our mother church in bangkok. i was so excited and i can pray specifically for her.

all ears: Hosanna

the prayer that moved my night

"God, i wanna commit Shuz into Your hands. may you bless her and give her a double portion of anointing of wisdom and knowledge as she complete her assignment. may You strengthen her and draw her so much closer through this period as well. may You add Joy into her life as well. i commit her into Your hands, amen!"

i want to thank the person because it meant so sweet to me. this little gesture of yours touched me :) thank you.

all ears: Hosanna *winkz ;P*

Friday, September 07, 2007

when two or more...

went ah yat to eat and yea, i love this picture, its with my all- time favorite- mei mei! :)

went to indo 3rd anniv service last weekend. it was great to see cynthia again. she looks really great. she sounded great too! :)celebrated roys' bday with nydc and ratatouille.

all ears: 1973

am i weird?

hahahaha. was doing a peaceful blog surfing at some of my favorite blogs and i got tagged by miss lu jiali. -_-" i shall be fun on this quiet morning. :)
6 weird things
Rules: Each player of the game starts off by writing 6 weird things about themselves before choosing another 6 of their friends to "sabo". People who get tagged needs to write in a blog on their own, 6 weird things about themselves and state the rules clearly.
Here goes:
1. i can listen to a new song over and over and over and over again (by now, my kid sister will start to groan...hehe) i simply just wont get sick of it la! like now, its playing "1973" since last night.

2. i will make bubble- bursting sounds subconsciously.
3. i like to take out my sony clie and plan my upcoming schedule or things whenever i got free time alone outside.
4. i like to pose funny or stupid faces in front of a camera.
5. i get very distracted whenever mei is at home too. its strange we can talk about almost anything under the sky.
6. i like to do cat- scratching actions at someone.
And the lucky 6 to post your 6 weird stuff are: mei, shirls, wendy lim, wynnie, livi and simun. hehehe!! have fun! :)

all ears: 1973

not a dead sea

blessings always need an outlet. it is not an end to itself. God gives to us, so that we can give to others. thus, instead of looking to others and trying to reach their statue, how about turning to my side and see who can i give to? in fact, knowing Him is the most valuable thing i can ever have. my walk with Him is the most precious thing to me. so, what's my gain? it is not of the ordinary, yet from the One and Only who breathed this new life in me. i pray that i will be faithful and giving to pass on what God has passed to me.
these are some thoughts from talking with someone. i enjoy the yaks *winkz* :)
all ears: Human by Human League

Thursday, September 06, 2007

a morning surprise

two days i was at the national library to do my research work. prior before that, i went to Han's to have a coffee. i met emma who happened to be there too. she had just met a business client over a very early breakfast. i had a very enjoyable chat with her, about her work, our ministry... it was a very pleasant surprise :)

all ears: chattings in the background

Monday, August 27, 2007

His best on our best

while continuing with my assignment, someone msned this to me which i found it so true and encouraging.
our job is to do our best
His job is to use our best
so we must make sure we have given our best

amen, i want to have that kind of attitude in approaching my school assignments. gambatte to all my pals who are chiong-ing on their assignments! *cheers*

all ears: Misty by Kenny G

Sunday, August 26, 2007

the "mismatched" girl

was a wonderful evening catching a play "the mismatched girl" directed by my friend, weiling. a great cast and a simple, yet moving story. great job, babe! *winkz*
3 cheers for weiling, the director!
to end off my lovely saturday, lets enjoy the next few pictures before we hit our pillows and say good night...

good night! ;P

all ears: I'm your lady

Friday, August 24, 2007

essential is brewing!

finally, we have some good decent photos taken together!!! *cheers* i was out with my the other CG last sunday at holland V's essential brew. since we are on such a celebrative mood, i shall intro this wacky bunch of CG people here.
needless to say, we are in the hands of our CL- shirlsmel. *shirls' evil laughter* *dennis running around, frantically* *the rest watched in bored amusement*
okay, back to shirls. yes, she has been the CL of this group since God- knows- when? actually i know la, since she took over the pastoral care of the youth ministry. in fact, she mothers the whole youth ministry!
next is rui ping aka sharlene aka sorry (x100) queen. the dudes enjoy teasing her sorry sorry mannerism. nonetheless, sharlene is a very simple person who lives simply and she truly love the people around her alot.
next to shar is zinc aka ziying. ex- chij tpy girl, she is a very strong woman. firmly rooted in WOG, she leads the northern area of singapore. one of my close pals around. o ya! her handicraft scores 101 marks!
next to zinc is yours truly. okay, lets move on.
it is clearly seen that the dudes really love our birthday boy, gideon ng. previously known as ambrose, he specialises in social work and he enjoys working with the youths.
the one posing cool-ly in red is raphael. he leads the biggest portion now- the jc ministry. raph speaks kindly and gently, esp to sisters. a humble guy who speaks very fast too.
next to raph is dennis loh chang kiat who is the second youth pastoral staff in Hope Singapore office. loh is mad about Jesus and vision. he dreams big for God. he is so uniquely made by His Maker, that we just love him the way he is. hahaha!
my ex c0-laborer in west is dewen aka solowen. he enjoys tennis matches and also into the recent hit movie- secret by Jay chou. dewen is a great armor bearer and a fun friend to be around with.
introducing my upcoming dec camp commander- daniel cheah aka xiao key. his nickname has a long history. he has a pair of twin sisters and he simply dotes on them! yes, admit it, daniel, you are indeed a family man :)

to end this post, win the youths today; win the world tomorrow.

all ears: Uptown by Lee Ritenour

sweet little things in life

sweet little thing number 1: a teacher day card
i was at tuition today when my little kiddo gave me this beautiful card. at that moment, i remember that i am a teacher. it kinda warmed my heart.

sweet little thing number 2: daddy's sushi
papa enjoys making sushi. he just learnt it in recent days. i hope to eat more of it at home.

all ears: Cayman Island by King of Convenience