Sunday, October 29, 2006


shirls' teaching on faithfulness left me thinking for the whole of sunday. faithfulness seems like a milder word compared to passion and vision. it triggers a soft and gentle response when the word was mentioned. yet faithfulness is one major core value that's held in high esteem in heaven.
says matt 25: 21, "...well done, good and faithful servant!..."
such will be the first few words that Christ might say to us when we reached the gate of heaven.
vision drives a person. passion moves a person. faithfulness carries the person through.
God do not need to test our faithfulness through big or major events. it is the simple, day to day tasks that will display our level of faithfulness. at this point, i remembered learning about faithfulness through a quiet time few years back. a deeper level of understanding faithfulness is being faithful in my response and attitude. many times, when i was reminded of areas i need to grow in, i did the common thing that most humans would do, which is, to sweep it under the carpet. to just put it aside and not care about it. (however, anyone in a logical frame of mind would know that it will one day be surfaced out again, as the issue is not solved or confronted yet) yet, its important for me to be faithful to respond. i want to be faithful to obey.
listening: Faithful by CCC (featured in Lift album)

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